ascension marks the conclusion of the path of personal Christhhood.
It is a spiritual ritual whereby the soul that has mastered
the earth plane is liberated from the rounds of rebirth
and can move on into the octaves of light. One who has passed
through this initiation is known as an ascended master.
References to ascended masters and to those who have who
have achieved the spiritual rank of buddhas, gods and goddesses
can be found in all of the world's religions. In the Bible,
references to the ascension are made in the case of Enoch,
Elijah. Moses and Jesus. In the Catholic tradition, Mother
Mary's ascension is described as the assumption. In the
East, the ascension often precedes or follows the spiritual
threshold known as nirvana.
souls have ascended from the physical plane, though unlike
Jesus, the process took place after the physical death of
the body in the etheric
retreats. These ascended souls are like elder brothers
and sisters on the path of personal Christhood and Buddhahood.
They made it home and are leading us back. People who have
had near death experiences testify of these beings of light
who greet and instruct them, also referred to as the Sons
of the Firstborn, the Great White Brotherhood, and the Saints
Robed in White.
history, ascended masters who operate just beyond the veil
of time and space in higher spheres of consciousness have
contacted souls on earth for definite purposes. In this
century, their work was brought forth through Theosophy,
Agni Yoga, the Bridge to Freedom, the Rosicrucian Fellowship,
the Self Realization Fellowship and The Summit Lighthouse.
(This is completely different from the psychic channeling
of disembodied spirits, false hierarchy impostors and mischievous
elementals who have not achieved permanent reunion with
God. Such activities are not condoned on the path of true
mysticism sponsored by the ascended masters.)
ascended masters work with us at the level of our Christ
consciousness and do not descend below that level. At the
level of the Christ, we are one with them, one body of God
broken for many through the individuation of each God flame.
For more information on working with the ascended masters
and on the path of the ascension, please visit The
Summit Lighthouse.